Algaonema 001
Prefers bright indirect light
Prefers aerated and well-draining potting mix
Toxic to humans and pets
Water when first inch or two of potting mix is dry
Water thoroughly until potting mix is saturated
Fully drain excess water
Fertilize once or twice a year
Leave the lower browning leaves until you can pull them out by hand
Re-pot every year or two in spring or summer
Keep away from cold drafts
Jul 5/20: Algaonema 001 joins our family! As part of exercises and activities in The Artist’s Way this week, I decided to add five houseplants to our home and Algaonema 001 is the first one. I think this variety is called Stripes. It’s our biggest houseplant, and I hope it will be happy here.
Jul 5/20: Hubby and me walking home with Algaonema 001.
Jul 9/20: Look how pretty the leaves are!
Jul 14/20: Algaonema 001.
July 15/20: I found some scale insects on Algaonema 001 — they were hanging out along the veins of some of the leaves. When I was inspecting this plant at the store, I actually noticed some signs of these pests… but alas, I was just looking for anything that moved and these don’t once they’ve built up their crusty domes. There weren’t too many and I think I removed them all, but I’ll continue to check for more each day.
Aug 20/20: It’s hard to tell in the photos, but Algaonema 001 has grown a bunch since July. There are a few new leaves and the plant seems bigger overall.
Aug 20/20: These leaves are so soft and pretty. I haven’t seen any more scale insects, yay!