Peace lily 001
Prefers bright indirect light
Prefers aerated and well-draining potting mix
Toxic to humans and pets
Water when soil surface starts to feel dry to the touch
Water thoroughly until soil is saturated
Fully drain excess water
Leaves will start to droop when plant needs water
Repeated drooping may cause long term damage to the plant
Fertilize lightly every month in spring, summer, and early fall
Re-pot every year or two in spring or summer
Jul 12/20: Peace Lily 001 joins our family! As part of exercises and activities in The Artist’s Way this week, I decided to add five houseplants to our home. Peace Lily 001 is the fifth one. Hubby and I picked out this one even though it wasn’t flowering (nearly all the other ones were). I love love love the dark green foliage.
Jul 13/20: The leaves are so beautiful.
Jul 14/20: Sitting happily in a (temporary) cachepot.
Jul 17/20: I re-potted Peace Lily 001 today. I noticed the leaves drooping not long after I watered it and it seemed pretty cramped in its nursery pot, so I figured it needed a larger pot. I decided to move it into a 5.5” clay pot because it’s all I had handy. It seems happier there, but I may move it to a plastic pot as the clay pot is porous and this is a thirsty baby.
Jul 17/20: Peace Lily 001 was rather pot bound!
Jul 17/20: I gently teased apart the root ball before re-potting Peace Lily 001.
Peace Lily 001 on Jul 22/20 in its new clay pot.
Jul 29/20: I was inspecting Peace Lily 001 and I noticed a white bump on one of the stems — oh my goodness, it’s a bloom! I didn’t think this would be exciting; after all, I specifically chose a plant with no blooms. But now that it’s happening, I can say… This is exciting.
Jul 29/20: Peace Lily 001 is starting to bloom.
Jul 31/20: Another bloom emerging!
Aug 13/20: Peace Lily 001 must be happy because it’s rewarding us with so many blooms! Here is one close up. I see at least four more on the plant.
Aug 20/20: So pretty.
Aug 20/20: So much new growth!
Aug 20/20: How many blooms do you see in this image?
Aug 20/20: I counted 5 blooms in the previous image. Overall, Peace Lily 001 currently appears to have 7 blooms on the entire plant. This is a super rewarding plant to own and care for.
At the height of Peace Lily 001’s burst of blooms, there were 10+ bracts (or spathes) of varying sizes all over the plant. It was super rewarding… until the blooms and the associated leaves started to discolour and droop. It freaked me out to see so many drooping leaves all once, but then I read that a leaf will only produce one bloom in its lifetime. When the bloom has been spent, the leaf will start to die as well. After learning that, I got busy pruning Peace Lily 001. It’s much less full than it was, but I’m hoping it will survive the winter and perhaps fill out again next spring and summer.
Sep 20/20: Peace Lily 001 after a post-summer pruning.
Oct 12/20: Peace Lily 001 is still shedding leaves. I think I’ve lost 3 whole sections of stems. As much fun as this plant was when it was blooming, I’m worried about it now. :(
Mar 28/21: Peace Lily 001 survived the winter and it’s growing nicely again! Here’s the first bloom of the season. :)