Spider plant 002
Prefers bright indirect light
Prefers aerated and well-draining potting mix
Water when potting mix is dry
Water thoroughly until potting mix is saturated
Fully drain excess water
Fertilize monthly in spring, summer, and early fall (optional)
Re-pot as needed in spring or summer
Jan 30/19: Spider Plant 002 joins our family! I received this plant from a workshop with Darryl Cheng at the Onsite Gallery. This plant wasn’t as well protected when I carried it home in the bitter cold, so there was some frostbite damage to the leaves. I wish I had taken a photo, but I honestly didn’t think it would survive.
Jun 9/20: It’s time for Spider Plant 002 to move into a bigger pot. I untangled the roots as best I could and planted it into some fresh potting soil.
Jul 9/20: Spider Plant 002 gets its first haircut. I’d never pruned my plants before so this was quite terrifying, but it felt good to remove the damaged leaves. Look at the difference!
Jul 9/20: Spider Plant 002 before its first haircut.
Jul 9/20: Spider Plant 002 after its first haircut.
Aug 6/20: What a difference a bigger pot, some new potting mix, a haircut, and a bit of time make!